sonible Blog

The sonible Blog ist a valuable source of information for all who want to extend their skills in audio production. Through video tutorials, know-how articles and interviews with pros, you'll get ideas, tipps and tricks.

smart:EQ 4 tutorial
by White Sea Studio

Watch now

pure:deess is out now!

The wait for this little gem is over! The compact pure:deess will take care of sibilants in your speech and vocal tracks like a full-blown pro.

pure:bundle User Guide

Get started with the pure:bundle and learn how to speed up your workflow using pure:EQ, pure:deess, pure:unmask, pure:comp, pure:verb and pure:limit.

10 Steps to the Perfect Vocal Recording at Home 

In this article, we’ll help you to optimize your home vocal recording in 10 simple steps – from the right room to microphone positioning.

The Metering Bundle is part of Fourier Audio’s transform.suite ’25!

Fourier Audio’s transform.suite ’25 contains over 70 premium plug-ins optimized for use in live productions – true:level and true:balance are part of it.

11 smart:chains – Try These Mixing Recipes for our ‘smart’ Plug-ins Range

Got smart plug-ins? Then you’ve got options. Try out these techniques in mixing to make the best use of these intelligent devices.

"The AI-powered function of smart:limit is incredible."

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

Entdecke smart:limit

prime:vocal – out now!

prime:vocal is here! Our intelligent vocal enhancer is the full package for professional producers, singers and aspiring creatives.

Run prime:vocal as a standalone application

Learn how to use prime:vocal as standalone software to enhance vocal and speech recordings in just a few steps.

What is ARA and how can it Help You Make Better Music?

Discover how ARA technology works and what advantages it has.

Integrate prime:vocal into your DAW as an ARA plug-in

Learn how to integrate prime:vocal as an ARA plug-in into your DAW to streamline your workflow.

prime:vocal User Guide

Get started with prime:vocal. In this user guide we show you how to use this tool to treat a vocal track after recording to sound like it was recorded in a studio.

Vocal Recording: What Can Go Wrong?

To minimize problems when recording, learn to avoid ten negatives that can occur when capturing vocals, voice or speech.

Why do we compress busses and groups?

Learn all about the advantages of applying effects to multiple audio tracks simultaneously.

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