sonible Blog

The sonible Blog ist a valuable source of information for all who want to extend their skills in audio production. Through video tutorials, know-how articles and interviews with pros, you'll get ideas, tipps and tricks.

smart:EQ 4 tutorial
by White Sea Studio

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AI and what it can do for audio engineers

Wytse Gerichhausen, owner of White Sea Studio and youtuber, interviewed sonible’s Alexander Wankhammer about AI-powered audio plug-ins and the future of audio production.

What is Tonal Balance?

Learn how and why to balance your music across the frequency spectrum by analyzing tonal balance of different music genres and characteristics.

Taking Your First Steps into Mastering

Many are aware of the process of mastering a track; This article aims to unwrap the enigma that is mastering music, from what it is to what it does, and how to do it.

Techniques for EQing Reverb

You know how to EQ, you know how to add reverb… but have you learnt how to combine EQ and reverb effectively?

Spectral Balance: Then vs Now

How has the tonal profile of music changed since 1960? With true:balance, we can give you a visual insight into the history of spectral balance.

"The AI-powered function of smart:limit is incredible."

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

Entdecke smart:limit

pure:limit is out now

With pure:limit, we have developed a new limiter for users who want to hit the right level and dynamics without having to delve into parametric details.

Avoiding the Collapse: From Stereo to Mono (Compatibility)

Learn about the importance of mono compatibility and how to deal with possible problems when working with it.

New Metering Bundle is out now

Our new metering plug-ins true:balance and true:level are here! Check them out – they might just be the tools missing in your workflow.

true:level User Guide

Visit the true:level User Guide to see all tutorials featuring the loudness and dynamics metering plug-in.

true:level and reference tracks

Learn how to use the versatile metering plug-in true:level with reference tracks.

true:level’s main features

In this tutorial, we show you how to get started with true:level to get your mix ready for publishing.

true:balance User Guide

Visit the true:balance User Guide to see all tutorials featuring the unique spectral metering plug-in.

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