sonible Blog

The sonible Blog ist a valuable source of information for all who want to extend their skills in audio production. Through video tutorials, know-how articles and interviews with pros, you'll get ideas, tipps and tricks.

smart:EQ 4 tutorial
by White Sea Studio

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Workflow tips for the EQ+ series

Here you find a few tips for improving your workflow when using the EQ+ series. It helps you to get faster and find your personal style.

Improve speech and voice recordings

This short tutorial shows you how to improve badly recorded voices with the EQ+ series.

More character for drum sounds with entropy:EQ+

Add more character to your drum track with entropy:EQ+

Add more depth to acoustic guitars with entropy:EQ+

Find out how to get the most out of your guitar sounds with the entropy:EQ+ plug-in.

How to cut through the mix with smart:EQ+

This short video shows how to get more presence for your lead sounds with smart:EQ+ in seconds.

"The AI-powered function of smart:limit is incredible."

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

Entdecke smart:limit

How to find the perfect spectral balance with smart:EQ+

This short tutorial shows how to find perfect spectral balance of a sound with smart:EQ+ in just a few quick steps.

Creative post production with the new entropy:EQ+

This video gives you a brief overview of most important features of the entropy:EQ+.

Ideal room acoustics with the new proximity:EQ+

This video gives you a brief overview of most important features of the proximity:EQ+.

Automatic Equalizer Plug-in smart:EQ+

This video gives you a brief overview of most important features of the entropy:EQ+.

EQ+ Series out now!

The new sonible EQ+ series introduces a new dimension of EQing: Three linear phase EQs equipped with unique features help to simplify the post- and creative production of audio.

3D Audio Innovation IKO by sonible & IEM

The 3D Audio technology IKO creates fascinating three-dimensional sound spaces with just a single centrally placed, compact loud speaker system.

Basic tips and advanced tricks: The proximity:EQ+ user guide

Check out these short tutorials for the most important functions and application areas of proximity:EQ+.