sonible Blog

The sonible Blog ist a valuable source of information for all who want to extend their skills in audio production. Through video tutorials, know-how articles and interviews with pros, you'll get ideas, tipps and tricks.

smart:EQ 4 tutorial
by White Sea Studio

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Sonova’s Real Life Lab: New heights for hearing aid research

Sonova has started testing and developing hearing aids at the new Real Life Lab. Sonova consulted sonible regarding the audio set-up of the research facility.

Tom Wiggans: “Be objective, make everyone happy”

Tom Wiggans, FOH Engineer, worked with Bombay Bicycle Club, Amy Macdonald, UB40, and many more. Read more about his career and how he uses ml:mio.

Pænda: “Know your stuff”

From songwriting, composing and arranging to singing, playing instruments, recording and producing – Electropop artist Pænda does a lot on her own.

We’ve teamed up with Focusrite

The new plug-in Balancer, developed by Focusrite and sonible, is now available free of charge for all members of the Focusrite Plug-in Collective.

What comes first: EQ or Compressor?

Should you apply an EQ or a compressor first to your audio material? We give you a few technical insights that might help you making a decision.

"The AI-powered function of smart:limit is incredible."

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

TYPHOON | Producer, Mixing-/Mastering-Engineer

Entdecke smart:limit

Handy control elements of smart:comp

Did you know you can modify the shape of attack and release or adjust the detection focus in smart:comp? Take a look at these great control elements of smart:comp.

Working with smart:comp’s sidechain ducking

Whenever your are struggling to merge signals that are competing for attention in the same frequency region, smart:comp can help you out with spectral ducking.

Get started with smart:comp

You want to know how to use the main features of smart:comp? Let us show you how.

The smart:comp User Guide

There is a lot to discover in the A.I. powered audio compression plug-in smart:comp – learn more about all its features.

A.I. powered compressor smart:comp – out now!

We proudly present smart:comp. This audio compressor plug-in enables you to master compression like never before.

Mastering Loudness

The loudness war began with the assumption: the louder, the better. It’s a catchy thing to say, and it certainly changed the music and broadcasting industry a lot. But when it comes to audio, nothing is that simple – ever.

smart:EQ 2 – Helpful tips and features

Sometimes very helpful control elements stay unknown until you stumble upon them. Coincidence is a fickle thing, so we rather show you all the important shortcuts and features of smart:EQ 2 in a short tutorial.

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